The marine reserve of Punta Campanella is rich in suggestive places and fish fauna, a protected world where fish can thrive without being annihilated by often wild fishing. Diving in these waters is a unique experience and even if unfortunately it will not be possible to meet the mermaids that the ancients believed lived in these places, you can console yourself with depths rich in biodiversity.

    Even beginners can immerse themselves in fantastic stretches of sea obviously followed by expert teachers ready to intervene in case of problems. On the famous beach of Marina del Cantone in Nerano there is the Diving Nettuno, with expert teachers, program excursions throughout the protected area and organizes diving courses Padi, Fipsas-Cmas, Naui, Fias and program diving or snorkeling trips suitable for everyone , even for children aged 8 and up.

    Associated with diving is the Villaggio Nettuno with accommodation for all needs and budgets, from the pitch for a tent or camper to the bungalow or apartment in an ancient 16th century tower.

  • Villaggio Nettuno diving


    Massa Lubrense

    Via A. Vespucci 39, 80061 Massalubrense (Na) - Italy
    Tel. +39 081.8081051/+39 081.8083980
    Fax: +39 081.8081706